Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Helping Kids through Yoga

It's no surprise that yoga has benefits beyond the physical alone and that if you are a yoga enthusiast, you are likely to be in great physical and mental health.  When it comes to health and fitness for your kiddos, we focus on a sport and outdoor play rather than think of exercising at the gym or following a workout routine.  But another form of exercise that offers them various advantages is yoga, a fact that is not as well known as it should be.  Yoga helps children by:

Enhancing concentration:  When your child gets used to the asanas or postures of yoga, they automatically improve their concentration skills.  Ancient sages used yoga as a form of meditation, and their powers of concentration are legendary.  Your child learns how to sit still in one place and focus on what is important as opposed to letting their mind wander and be distracted easily.  This helps them in their lessons and at school, boosts their attention span and improves their grades.

Increasing flexibility and balance:  Yoga helps improve flexibility and balance as well as tones muscles.  It makes them stronger and less likely to suffer sprains and fractures through accidental falls.

Improving general well-being:  Kids who practice yoga regularly feel good about themselves and are healthier and happier than those who do not.  They feel both mentally and physically rejuvenated after a yoga session and this improves their mental and physical health.


Boosting confidence:  When your child is able to display great agility and flexibility, it does wonders for their confidence.  Their improved performance at school also helps boost their popularity and their self assurance.  They become more poised and start to believe in their abilities.  This feeling provides them with the adrenaline they need to achieve success in all of their endeavors.

Relaxing their minds:  Even kids are subject to a great deal of stress these days because of their workload at school and the high expectations that their parents have for them.  They are pushed to be achievers at every single point of their lives, and when they fail, they take it to heart and become depressed.  Yoga helps them relax and de-stress when they feel upset or depressed.  It soothes their frayed minds and helps them get back to a normal mental state.  Yoga is a perfect release from them.

Children are more flexible and agile than adults, so the earlier you get your kiddos started on to yoga, the more benefits they gain.

Namaste, www.serenitylifestyleandgifts.com

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Common Yoga Q & A

Q: Which class should I take?
A: Yoga is varied and with any luck, it can become a life-long practice.  If you are brand new to it, we recommend a Beginner class.  If you are athletic and have previous yoga experience, something more intermediate will benefit you.  Hot Yoga is a class fit for all levels of experience where the heat is turned up to 95+ degrees.  If you love the heat and are well-hydrated, this is a great class for beginners and intermediate students.  If you have taken yoga for several years, feel free to try Power Yoga, our another advanced class.  There are many paths to many goals.  We hope we can help you along the way.

Q: Do I need my own yoga mat?
A: Most studios will allow you to use one of their mats as long as you make a small donation.  I highly recommend considering purchasing your own mat though.  It's great when you can own your own magic carpet. It is also wise to bring your own towel to lay on your mat and wipe up your sweat.  Used mats can harbor millions of germs and bacteria.  Here is a great inexpensive mat     http://serenitylifestyleandgifts.com/item_136/Yogi-Mat-Carry-Strap.htm      

Q: When should I arrive for class?
A: As early as you can.  You should leave a 15-minute buffer before class time just in case you get stuck at that light that never seems to change or that traffic jam that appears out of nowhere.  This way you can still make it to class on time.  Some yoga studios lock the door after the class starts so make sure you arrive on time.  Evening classes tend to fill up fast so consider an even longer buffer if your class is after 5pm.

Q: Can I do yoga if I'm pregnant or menstruating?  Can I do yoga if I have an injury?
A: The best person to answer these questions is you.  In yoga, you learn to respect others but more importantly YOURSELF.  If you want to try the class and experiment with how you feel, please do so.  Everyone's body is different.  If you feel your injury will not allow you to stay in the room and try most of the poses with modifications, it may be best to take another week off.  There are many different views on pregnancy or menstruation.  The best person to ask is your physician.

Q: Can my child take yoga?
A: Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian at all times.  Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to attend Hot or Power Yoga classes. 


Inspire and Grow


Do not deny the difficult events of your life.  The fact that you survived is a wonderful story to tell.  And that story, the story of the way you came through a difficult situation, found resources within yourself or outside of yourself, gleaned from that experience what you wanted and what you didn't want going forward - that is a story that will inspire others and help you heal. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Wishing you a Peaceful Holiday

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness.  Not because they never found it- but because they didn't stop to enjoy it." -William Feather

The holidays are upon us.  Feel the happiness?

It's so easy to get wrapped up in the buying, the travelling, the events, that stress and exhaustion can overpower the joys of the season. Well, this season take a moment (or several) to stop and enjoy!

Where is happiness?  Difficult question to answer.  It is different for everyone.  But, one common thing is that it lies in moments.  From the most mundane to the extraordinary, it is there in each and every one.

You see, there really is no need to search for it.  Just be present and enjoy!  That is the best gift you can give yourself.  Stop and enjoy!  Enjoy each and every moment for what it is.  For, that is where happiness lies.  See it, feel it, live it and share it!

Happy Holidays & Namaste.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Choose the right Yoga Mat

A comfortable mat is an essential part to make your Yoga practice successful.  A successful practice would be one which would:

~Enable you to follow a range of yoga positions, meditation poses and relaxation pose
~Make your yoga session complete, comfortable and satisfying
~Help you realize the true potential of each yoga position - both physical and mental - which is the true purpose of the postures

At SerenityLifeStyleandGifts.com we offer a high quality variety of Yoga/Pilates Mats for our customers.  If you need help selecting the perfect mat please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are more than happy to assist you.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Help with Meditation

There are two types of meditation - Active and Passive

Active meditation relates to activities of everyday life such as walking, working, eating etc.  This in fact is the aim of Yoga, to experience a meditative state in everyday life which has the effect of increasing performance manifold as the work is done with more efficiency and energy. 

To achieve active meditation, passive meditation is required which involves taking time out to be seated and perform Meditation Techniques or practices.  This is called passive as it involves withdrawing ourselves in calm, sitting postures to achieve a meditative state that can help us in our active life. 

The aim of all passive meditation techniques is to still the mind from wavering and distracting thoughts and gradually make it one pointed.

Passive Meditation Techniques though of many kinds, essentially have the same modus operandi:

Part 1: Introversion: Involves seating postures and awareness on an object.  This has the effect of calming the mind and making it 'receptive' to see what's inside.

Part 2: Introversion leads to the free flow of thoughts, visions, complexes, memories etc. from the lower mind.  Our passions, fears, doubts and desires arise and we are now in a position to observe these and remove the undesirable content from our minds forever.

Part 3: Having observed the lower mind, we are now in a position to explore the subconscious realms.  It is here that real meditation begins.  Our limitless storehouse of energy and knowledge starts manifesting itself.

Part 4: Self realization: As these stages are transcended, supreme bliss is attained.

*Choose a time when you are not likely to be disturbed.
*Settle down in a place which has fresh air. If you so desire, having some incense around you will relax you. You may sit in any of the meditative poses depending on your comfort level, and to stay in that pose for a desired duration of time.
*Begin by learning to focus on something non-threatening. This will relax you, break your stress response.
*Concentrate on a subject that appeals to you- it could be a flower, a word, or the flame of a candle.
*Notice how your thoughts wander. Don't attempt to control them. Observe them with detachment.
*Within a few weeks, you will notice a marked difference in your capacity to focus. This is the stepping stone to awareness.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Monoi de Tahiti Massage Oil

One of the most effective and popular uses of aromatherapy is massage with essential oils, which combines the healing power of touch and the therapeutic power of scent.  In addition, beneficial oils are absorbed into the skin, enhancing their effectiveness.  For this reason, SerenityLifestyleAndGifts.com only uses natural, nontoxic ingredients of the highest quality in our aromatherapy massage oils.

This exotic blend of coconut, gardenia, and other fragrant extracts will transport you to an intoxicating tropical oasis of relaxation while acting as a powerful moisturizer for your skin, restoring its natural softness and elasticity and fortifying it against sun and wind damage.

Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Vitamin E, Monoi De Tahiti.  This product does not contain animal byproducts and has not been tested on animals.

Namaste every day www.serenitylifestyleandgifts.com

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gratitude and Thankfulness

Since being diagnosed with an incurable disease I have decided to make a conscious effort to practice gratitude in some small way every day.  When I do, I feel much more connected with the flow of life, instead of isolated and alone in my own struggles and fears.

Gratitude can be a powerfully transformative practice.  Practicing gratitude can actually improve our emotional and physical well-being.  Extensive research in the routine of gratitude and thankfulness has found that people who keep weekly gratitude journals had fewer physical symptoms, exercised more, had a better outlook on life and were more likely to reach their goals. Individuals with neuromuscular disease who practiced daily gratitude "have more high-energy positive moods," felt more connected to others, and felt more positive about life.

A powerful way to cultivate gratitude is to focus on what is really happening in our lives, rather than falling into the traps of complaining and drama.  The basic practice of Naikan, which translates to "inside-looking," consists of asking oneself three questions every day:  "What have I received today?  What have I given?  What trouble have I caused?"  While Naikan doesn't deny the difficult parts of our lives, it puts things into perspective. 

I ask myself these three questions every night while meditating on my meditation cushion. http://serenitylifestyleandgifts.com/item_149/Zafu-Meditation-Cushion.htm

Make thank you, your mantra every day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Honoring the Place in You

SerenityLifestyleAndGifts.com is as eclectic and inspired as its owners. We offer attire for both men and women. On our site you will find beautiful, culturally diverse items. We are always on the lookout for something fresh, environmentally conscious and spirited in style.
At SerenityLifestyleAndGifts.com we believe that it doesn’t hurt to feel good on the outside while working on the inside! Happiness is giving more than you receive. Make peace with your mind, make peace with the world, find Serenity.
Dr Ted. and Carmela Steliotes have shared the desire to create a dynamic convergence of physical/spiritual health, art and community for many years. They have been deeply involved in the health and wellness community.
Namaste everyday.

Beat The Holiday Stress...Shop From Home

Beat the Holiday stress and endless lines at the mall!  This season support a small business and shop online.  We are all about providing convenience to our customers.  Where else can you do your shopping at midnight wearing your birthday suit?

Crowds force us to do a hurried shopping most of the time.  For me grumpy or irritating people and those who smell bad are a huge turn off.  Crowds also create a problem when it comes to finding a parking place nearby where you want to shop and going back to your vehicle later loaded with shopping bags.

SerenityLifestyleAndGifts.com gives you the opportunity to shop 24 x 7 and also rewards you with a "no pollution" shopping.  We offer a unique variety of items that come directly from the manufacture.  We guarantee your shopping experience with us will be a peaceful one.

Happy Holidays and Namaste

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Imagination is everything

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. ~ Albert Einstein www.serenitylifestyleandgifts.com

Today let your imagination run wild. After all, your thoughts become your reality. Dream, Believe, Achieve.

Namaste www.serenitylifestyleandgifts.com

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chakra Healing

There are seven basic chakras, and they all exist within the subtle body, overlaying the physical body.   The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. In addition the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, and developmental stages of life.
Chakras are centers of energy that connect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being. It is through these centers that we are able to receive, transmit and process vital life force. The chakras correspond to specific aspects of our consciousness and to the various glands of the endocrine system. In the natural healing arts such as yoga, meditation, siddha medicine, ayurveda, pranic healing, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, and shiatsu, great importance is placed in balancing the energy flow of these centers. Physical pain or disease is an indication of a blockage or weakness in the chakras.
At SerenityLifestyleAndGifts.com we offer all 7 Unscented Chakra Candles for your healing needs.
FIRST CHAKRA, or base or root chakra, is located at the base of the spine or coccyx. Primary color: RED.
SECOND CHAKRA, or navel chakra is located in the lower abdomen or navel area. Color: ORANGE.
THIRD CHAKRA, or solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and below the chest. Color: YELLOW.
FOURTH CHAKRA, or heart chakra is located at the center of the chest. Primary color: GREEN and secondary color: PINK.
FIFTH CHAKRA, or throat chakra is located at the center of the throat area. Color: BLUE.
SIXTH CHAKRA, or the brow or third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. Color: INDIGO (royal blue).
SEVENTH CHAKRA, or crown chakra is located at the top of the head. Color: VIOLET or the combination of all colors: WHITE.
For more info on Chakra and healing please leave your comments below.
~Namaste www.serenitylifestyleandgifts.com

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bringing a Sense of Peace to you

Bring a sense of peace into your world with SerenityLifestyleandGifts.com!

Our soothing candles and aromatherapy will help you de-stress after a long day and our artwork and pottery will add a serene, peaceful feel to any room. Relax and meditate on one of our colorful yoga mats, or rejuvenate your practice with a new Yoga DVD. 
Our goal is to offer you the best products to help bring serenity into your life and home.
We also offer organic and eco-friendly products, beautiful gift baskets and peaceful decor for your home. Check back with us often as we are continually searching for quality products to add to our collection.
Peaceful living with SerenityLifestyleandGifts.com

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Promise Yourself

I definitely needed to read this today.  It's been one of those weeks where I am facing many obstacles in my personal and business life.  This uplifting affirmation truly helps reset and focus your thoughts.  Today I am grateful for Christian D. Larson.  I hope this touches you as well.

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person that you meet
To make all of your friends feel that there is something within them
To look at the sunny side of everything, and make your optimism come true
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and to give every living creature you meet a smile
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have not time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble

-Christian D. Larson
