
Carmela Steliotes; owner of , inspires men and women of every age to adopt a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  She lives in PA with her husband, Dr. Ted Steliotes.

I guess you can say I was born into health and wellness.  My father is a power lifter and everything we ate growing up was delicious and nutritious meals that my mother prepared for us every day.  When I say every day, I literally mean my mother cooked and we ate dinner together as a family every night.  From a very young age I learned the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 

When I attended college I started practicing yoga and fell in love with the peace and serenity it gave me.  Now it's a part of my daily routine a long with meditation.  

Yoga and meditation have helped me cope with my blood clotting disease; Anti-phosphlipid Anti-body Syndrome, Hypothyroidism and reoccurring miscarriages.  Over the past 7 years I have had a long battle with each of these issues so yoga and meditation have been a saving grace for me.  

Please feel free to read through some of my helpful blog articles explaining the benefits of yoga and meditation.  

I hope that you enjoy my boutique and stop back often.



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