Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jump on the Chia Seed Wagon! 

My aim is to convince you that you should be adding chia seeds to your diet as regularly as possible.  Two tablespoons of these little wonder seeds provide approximately four grams of protein (containing all the important amino acids), five grams of Omega 3 fatty acids (direct brain food), 250 milligrams of calcium (think strong hair and nails) and 10g of fiber (the most efficient “regulator”).  And if that’s not enough to persuade you, chia is said to have twice the potassium of bananas, three times the antioxidants of blueberries and three times the iron of spinach.

Remember that chia seeds hold 9 – 12 times their weight in water and they do the same thing in your tummy so these fabulous seeds are both incredibly nutrient rich and make you feel fuller for longer on less food!

The simplest meal to “chia-fy”.  Add a tablespoon of dry seeds directly into any fruit or green smoothie, 
stir them into hot porridge, sprinkle them on top of granola or spoon them into nut butter (try almond butter) then spread the mix on toast, crackers or rice cakes.  You can even add chia to beaten eggs let them sit for 10 minutes and then make an omelet or scrambled eggs. 

Lunch / Dinner
Add chia seeds to either your salad or your salad dressings as a way to boost the protein of light green meals; if you’re making brown rice or quinoa throw in some seeds just as it finishes cooking and give it a good stir.

Add goodness to indulgences by blending chia seeds into cookie batters, cheesecake bases and any sort of seedy bread.  Lastly, try making chia puddings 
(which you can eat for breakfast or dessert) by combining seeds with coconut milk or almond milk and adding any combination of wholesome ingredients: desiccated coconut, blueberries, walnuts, shaved almonds, cacao powder, grated apple, pomegranate or pistachios.  Then leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight, or even 10 minutes if that’s all you have, and it will set to chia-tastic! 

wholehearter: pigeon pose breakdown

wholehearter: pigeon pose breakdown: Lots of us really struggle with tight hips and hip flexors . There are many deep, powerful muscles with very long, hard-to-pronounce names l...

Monday, July 1, 2013

31 Days of Fitness Challenge

Our 31 days of Fitness Challenge started today!  I asked my husband to join me in 31 days of physical fitness.  This includes but is not limited to: cardio, weight training, aerobic classes, yoga, and swimming.  I thought it would be a great way to keep each other motivated while I am away for a month.  The deal is we will skype our progress every night.  

So what do you think?  Will you join in the July Fitness Fun?  We would love to hear your progress and learn what keeps you motivated!  The goal here is to get off the couch and away from the TV.  Enjoy Summer and all it has to offer.  We did a 31 day yoga challenge a few months ago and I truly enjoyed reading your progress and seeing your inspirational pictures.  Don't be shy!  We are in this together and here to support each other. 

I hope you will be joining us!

Inspiring Yogi, Kendall Covitz

Hello everyone!  

Please take a moment to check out my fellow Yogi, Kendall Covitz, founder of On An Inhale  

You will find helpful nutrition and yoga articles written by Kendall.  She is truly inspiring and I believe you will benefit from her uplifting resources.  


Monday, June 24, 2013

Naturally getting to sleep

As long as I can remember I have never been a good sleeper.  My mother reminds me of the countless nights I kept her awake do to teething.  Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to health and optimal brain functioning, but a staggering 30% of the population suffers from insomnia, and over 10 million Americans use prescription drugs to help them sleep.

So why is it so hard for us to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed?  There’s no doubt that stress plays an important role in sleeping difficulties, but I also believe that our modern way of life has caused us to develop some bad habits that can make getting a good night’s sleep seem like a distant dream.

We could all do with changing our bedtime habits and giving ourselves the restful sleep our bodies and minds crave! 

Here are a few tips to do just that:

1. Get enough.

While you may think you function ok with just five or six hours sleep, the truth is, it's not enough. Sleep cycles occur in four-hour patterns; brain waves gradually slow to a deep, restful state around the two-hour mark, then slowly speed up again to a lighter dream-filled sleep at four hours before repeating the whole cycle again.

When we wake up after six hours, we're actually forcing our brain out of a deep sleep state rapidly and shortening that rejuvenating deeper phase essential for repairing our bodies and minds. If we get eight hours, we wake up at the end of two complete cycles and our brains are already naturally at the faster phase between sleeping and waking, enabling us to start the day feeling refreshed and energized.

2. Plan one hour of down time.

Instead of watching TV right before bed, take some time to consciously relax and settle down. Get into bed an hour before your bed-time and use the time to read an inspiring book, meditate, write in a journal or make love. Make sure to set boundaries on electronic distractions, such as no TV, texting, phone calls or social media after 9 p.m., and try not to have these devices in the bedroom at all.
3. Make your bedroom a sanctuary.

To enhance a restful night’s sleep, you need to create an atmosphere in your bedroom that's warm, comforting and inviting. Paint the walls a calming color and invest in a good-quality mattress and pillows. Keep a plant in the room to keep the air oxygenated and try to keep things uncluttered and tidy. You may want to burn essential oils like lavender or vetiver and play some relaxing music.  Use a few drops of our Sleep Well For Insomnia Relief Oil. 

4. Turn lights and electronic devices off.

Our brains need total darkness in order for the pineal gland to secrete melatonin, an important hormone that has been shown to reduce the incidence of certain cancers and slow down the effects of aging. Lights from alarm clocks and cell phones, especially blue lights, can interfere with this process as well as emit EMFs (electromagnetic fields) that are damaging to health. If you must have these devices in the bedroom, make sure to keep them at least 4 feet away from your bed, rather than by your head on the bed stand.

5. Try natural sedatives.

Lastly, if insomnia and nervous tension are a real issue for you and you struggle with falling or staying asleep, try some natural sedatives before using pharmaceutical drugs that can have side effects and cause addiction. Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of tension and difficulty falling asleep. Herbal teas such as chamomile and passionflower are good for mild sleep problems. For more severe issues, you could try (with the help of your naturopath or herbalist), stronger tinctures or tablets of valerian, Californian poppy, hops, Jamaican dogwood or ziziphus.
Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yoga and Men

Why Men Need Yoga...

Weight loss:

Certain yogasanas are specifically aimed to stimulate the lethargic thyroid gland in order to increase the hormonal secretion.  Thus, yoga acts upon metabolism of our body, increases metabolic activity and helps in reducing weight.


Conscious relaxation trains your muscles to release their grip when you do not use them.  This relaxation keeps the muscles responsive to the signals from your brain telling them to contract so that you can perform all the countless tasks of a busy day.

Muscle Strengthening:

Since, the yoga postures are almost akin to resistance exercises they help in building muscle mass.  Yoga's principle of using body weight as resistance helps to strengthen and tone up the entire body.  Consequently, calorie burn occurs at a higher rate because the muscle tissues' metabolic requirements are much higher.

Sexual Performance:

According to scientific studies, men with premature-ejaculation problems lasted three times longer during sex after 12 weeks of practicing an hour of yoga daily.  Yoga movements strengthen your pelvic muscles, explain the researchers, and stronger muscles improve your control as you approach orgasm.

Better Digestion:

Yoga postures help balance your body.  Some yoga poses, when performed correctly, massage the endocrine glands and the digestive system which improves digestion.  Yoga is a natural exercise for everybody.  We have been doing yoga right from the time we were babies if you really think about it.

And it's just plain SEXY!

Be sure to check out our Yoga clothing and mats for men on Like our Facebook page & save 10% today!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why I am so passionate about Yoga

I often get asked the question, "why am so passionate about yoga?"  Yoga has helped me find my power to heal myself, physically but also mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  We all have our unique story about our practice and this is mine.

In 2007, I was diagnosed with Antiphosphlipid Antibody Syndrome (APS); an autoimmune disease in which the body recognizes certain normal components of blood and/or cell membranes as foreign substances and produces antibodies against them.  One of the biggest hurdles I have had to face with this disease is 4 miscarriages.  

It was during that time I attended my first yoga class; (which was outdoors) with BYS Yoga in Pittsburgh, PA.  The class was led by Kristi Rogers, whom I absolutely admire.  She is amazing and if you have the chance to practice with her, do it!  I didn't have a clue what I was doing.  I didn't even realize I was supposed to take my socks off!  Kristi was so helpful and patient with me.  I definitely struggled through some of the poses but I left the class with a sense of strength and calmness.  

Recently I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.  I started a 6 week course of medications along with bi-weekly blood tests last week.  I am also being tested for M.S. and Lyme Disease.  Today my hair started falling out from the medication.  

Why am I telling you this?  Because Yoga has been my saving grace.  It's been a constant in my life.

There are days when my body feels like it’s been replaced by someone who has never set foot on a yoga mat though.  I practice supine poses, forward folds and breathing.  Maybe a few twists will help and eventually I may work into the “harder stuff”.  Sometimes the easy stuff is the hard stuff.  I hate those days because they start with such pain but I’m also grateful because those can be beautiful practices that come to mean the world to me.

I understand how my body mirrors my mind and my heart.  Sometimes I am in pain and need comfort.  Sometimes I’m in pain and need to find my voice or my power.  My mat tends to let me know what I need.

That is when yoga becomes Yoga – a personal practice.  I am so grateful to the masters who have come before me and who have taught my teachers and through them, me, but I am not them.  I may never achieve Iyengar’s more advanced asanas.  I may never Gravity Surf for what seems like hours.

But I have poses that challenge me to grow, stretch, become stronger and more balanced.  I have Yoga and I am so happy with that! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Getting Through...Prayers for Boston

There is no easy way to get out of a difficult period, as much as we may want to find one.  We just have to go through it.  Rationally, we may know that our pain will lessen over time, but this is little solace at first.  

Still, we survive.  And we survive by living through our pain- day by day, week by week, month by month.  And then, suddenly one day, we are on the other side, looking back, thinking, "That was a rough period, wasn't it?  But I made it."

"The best way out is always through."  ~Robert Frost

Here is a positive affirmation I came up with to recite whenever you are having feelings of doubt...

I want things to be better- I want to be better- right away.  I hate being in pain.  But I cannot make the healing go any faster, so I just need to accept that I will heal, with time.  

Sending you all love and healing vibes.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Journaling for Stress Management

Journaling is a term coined for the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of one’s life.  Journaling, as a stress management and self-exploration tool, is not the same as simply recording the happenings in one’s life, like keeping a log.  To be most helpful, one must write in detail about feelings and cognition's related to stressful events, as one would discuss topics in therapy.

Journaling allows people to clarify their thoughts and feelings, thereby gaining valuable self-knowledge.  It is also a good problem-solving tool; oftentimes, one can hash out a problem and come up with solutions more easily on paper.  Journaling about traumatic events helps one process them by fully exploring and releasing the emotions involved, and by engaging both hemispheres of the brain in the process, allowing the experience to become fully integrated in one’s mind.

Unlike more physical stress management techniques such as yoga or exercise, journaling is a viable option for the disabled.  And, although some prefer to use a computer, journaling requires only a pen and paper, so it’s less expensive than techniques that require the aid of a class, book, teacher or therapist, like techniques such as biofeedback or yoga.  Journaling does not release tension from your body like progressive muscle relaxationguided imagery and other physical and meditative techniques, however. But it is a great practice for overall stress reduction as well as self-knowledge and emotional healing.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Relieve Stress by Practicing Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness can bring many benefits to your emotional and physical health, as well as to the relationships in your life.  Mindfulness is an amazing tool for stress management and overall wellness because it can be used at virtually any time and can quickly bring lasting results.  The following mindfulness exercises are simple and convenient, and can lead you to a deeper experience of mindfulness in your daily life.  

Meditation brings many benefits in its own right, and has been one of the most popular and traditional ways to achieve mindfulness for centuries, so it tops the list of mindfulness exercises.  Meditation becomes easier with practice, but it need not be difficult for beginners.  Simply find a comfortable place, free of distractions, and quiet your mind. 

Mindfulness can be as simple as breathing!  Seriously, though, one of the most simple ways to experience mindfulness, which can be done as you go about your daily activities (convenient for those who feel they don’t have time to meditate), is to focus on your breathing.  Breathe from your belly rather than from your chest, and try to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focusing on the sound and rhythm of your breath, especially when you’re upset, can have a calming effect and help you stay grounded in the present moment.

Listening to music has many benefits — so many, in fact, that music is being used therapeutically in a new branch of complimentary medicine known as music therapy.   That’s part of why listening to music makes a great mindfulness exercise.  You can play soothing new-age music, classical music, or another type of slow-tempo music to feel calming effects, and make it an exercise in mindfulness by really focusing on the sound and vibration of each note, the feelings that the music brings up within you, and other sensations that are happening "right now" as you listen.  If other thoughts creep into your head, congratulate yourself for noticing, and gently bring your attention back to the current moment and the music you are hearing.

The term "cleaning house" has a literal meaning (cleaning up your actual house) as well as a figurative one (getting rid of "emotional baggage," letting go of things that non longer serve you), and both can be great stress relievers!  Because clutter has several hidden costs and can be a subtle but significant stressor, cleaning house and de-cluttering as a mindfulness exercise can bring lasting benefits.  To bring mindfulness to cleaning, you first need to view it as a positive event, an exercise in self-understanding and stress relief, rather than simply as a chore.  Then, as you clean, focus on what you are doing as you are doing it — and nothing else. Feel the warm, soapy water on your hands as you wash dishes; experience the vibrations of the vacuum cleaner as you cover the area of the floor; enjoy the warmth of the laundry as you fold it; feel the freedom of letting go of unneeded objects as you put them in the donations bag.  It may sound a little silly as you read it here, but if you approach cleaning as an exercise in mindfulness, it can become one.  (I also recommend adding music to the equation.)

Many stressed and busy people find it difficult to stop focusing on the rapid stream of thoughts running through their mind, and the idea of sitting in meditation and holding off the onslaught of thought can actually cause more stress!  If this sounds like you, the mindfulness exercise of observing your thoughts might be for you.  Rather than working against the voice in your head, you sit back and "observe" your thoughts, rather than becoming involved in them.  As you observe them, you might find your mind quieting, and the thoughts becoming less stressful.  (If not, you may benefit from journaling as a way of processing all those thoughts so you can decrease their intensity and try again.)

You are probably now getting the idea that virtually any activity can be a mindfulness exercise, and in a way, you’re right.  It helps to practice meditation or another exercise that really focuses on mindfulness, but you can bring mindfulness to anything you do, and find yourself less stressed and more grounded in the process.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Open your Mind, Body & Spirit with Hatha Yoga

Every time you step onto your mat, you connect into a custom that reaches back more than 5,000 years. You share the exact same objective as the rishis who were checking out the nature of truth and humans’ inner worlds through mind-calming exercise and the physical practice of yoga exercise. It appears like the menu of yoga exercise classes gets longer every year. So, which is right for you? Hatha? Ashtanga? Kundalini? All the above?  Since Hatha is the most preferred strategy to yoga exercise in the West, it’s wonderful place to begin a yoga exercise practice.

What You Need to Know
The basics: Hatha yoga exercise is stated to have been presented by Yogi Swatmarama, a Hindu sage of 15th century India and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (a classical Sanskrit manual on Hatha yoga exercise). The term Hatha originates from two Sanskrit words:ha meaning sun and tha meaning moon. Technically it isn’t a specific kind of yoga but any practice of yoga exercise poses. However, the term has actually come to be connected with a slower-paced practice which combines postures to improve strength, balance and adaptability. Hatha integrates the 3rd and 4th of the 8 limbs of yoga exercise: Asanas and pranayama (breath work).
The focus: To produce balance and merge the opposing facets of mind, body and spirit. The series of asanas (positions or positions) made use of in Hatha yoga exercise work to straighten skin, muscles and bones in order to open the body and enable energy to stream easily.
The class: Typically Hatha classes have three parts: Pranayama, asanas and mind-calming exercise. After seated mind-calming exercise and breath work, pupils will move with the asana sequence. Pupils are directed to relate to their breath as they relocate into each pose. Poses are typically held for 30 seconds to one minute in the standing series, longer in some of the seated extending poses.
The benefits: On a physical degree, a Hatha practice can help to improve muscular strength and adaptability, unwind the body and brain, massage and tone essential organs, unwind your body and produce open networks for energy and breath. The emphasis on bringing the body into balance could help in controlling illness such as diabetes and hypertension. On a deeper level, Hatha invites you to discover calm in stressful circumstances, to be present in the moment and to break through the barriers that stand between you and your complete potential.
The lowdown: Hatha yoga classes are both available to almost every student and commonly offered. Many beginning classes are Hatha. However, if you appreciate a rapid practice that streams from one asana to the next, you could choose a vinyasa course.

Try Before You Buy
Hatha may be listed as “gentle,” however the wide variety of positions and the length of time these yoga postures are held can make it as extreme as any Asthanga or Power course. 

Padmasana(lotus posture). Sit on your mat with your legs directly in front of you. Cozy up by flexing your left leg and place the sole of your foot into the crook of your right elbow. Clasp your hands over your shin and rock your leg carefully side to side. Flex your right leg and bring your foot as near the left groin as possible. With your hands on the underside of your left shin, flex your left leg and slide it gently ahead the right. Bring the right knee as close the left as possible and keep the soles of the feet perpendicular to the flooring. Reverse and duplicate with the right leg on top.

Virabhadrasana I(warrior I). Stand in Tadasana (mountain posture). Action your right foot to the back of the mat– about 3 or 4 ft. behind you. Raise your arms, flex your left knee so that your knee is directly over your toes. Align your left leg and press all four sides of your left foot into the mat. Raise your arms overhead. If your back permits, arch back. Return to Tadasana and repeat by going back with your left leg and bending into your right knee.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(prolonged hand-to-big-toe position)Note: You might require a strap for this pose if your hamstrings are tight. Start in Tadasana (mountain posture). Bring your left knee up in front of you. Hold the beyond your left foot with your left hand if that’s available to you, interlace your fingers and place them under your foot or loop a strap around your foot. On an inhale, extend your left knee forward and straighten your left leg as much as feasible. Focus on your breath and the security of your supporting leg. If you feel steady, bring your left leg out to the side. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Salabhasana(locust posture). Lie face down on your mat. You could desire added padding under your pelvic bones and ribs. Rest your forehead on your mat and place your arms alongside your upper body with your palms up. Take a few breaths to get the feeling of pushing off the mat as you inhale and burrowing as you exhale. Inhale and raise both feet and your arms off the floor. At the exact same time, raise your head. Keep your gaze down or somewhat forward.

Halasana(plow posture). Lie on your back. Flex your knees and bring the soles of your feet near to your butts. With your arms by your sides, extend your heels towards the ceiling. Press your palms against your back and start to lower your legs over your head, releasing one vertebra at a time. At some point, your toes will touch the flooring in back of your head.

The charm of Hatha is that even the easiest postures stay difficult and fascinating as you learn to deepen, relax and explore the edge of the certain movement. The discipline makes it much easier to be present fully and taking advantage of the life-enhancing possibilities of a yoga practice that extends, reinforces and balances mind, body and spirit.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Equinox Sale at

Spring Equinox is celebrated as the first day of Spring, when day and night are equal in both hemispheres.  All of nature is stirring now and showing signs of activity after the Winter sleep.  Buds are bursting on the trees, Spring flowers are coming out and seeds are germinating.

The power of the Sun is increasing, the days are lengthening and the nights are shortening.  We begin to feel empowered to reach out for what we want and to take risks, strike out on our own, go for walks and connect to the Earth again.

We can use the potential and fertility of this time to create opportunities for positive change in our lives and in the world.  At this point we are poised between opposite forces, light and dark, receptive and active, unconscious and conscious, inner and outer.  These can be united within us so that we are whole and balanced individuals.  This gives birth to actions that come from the heart.

In the past the fertile Earth goddess Eostre was honoured at this time in celebration of new life and gestation.  Dragon processions celebrated the emerging active energy of the earth and eggs were used as a potent symbol of new life and rebirth.

Use our 10% off Discount code today on your favorite items, SER4.  Offer ends 4/1/13

Monday, February 4, 2013

Build Your Vision Board

A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goals.  It is literally any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.

We humans tend to be a very busy species and are constantly bombarded by distractions.  Making use of a vision board serves several purposes, some of which include helping you to:

  • Identify your vision and give it clarity.
  • Reinforce your daily affirmations. (Positive)
  • Keep your attention on your intentions.

  • Vision Boards Help Provide Clarity

    For example, to say “I want a better life” is a fine goal, but have you given serious thought to exactly what that means?  Try to envision what your “better life” looks like.  For those of us who find that somewhat difficult, making a vision board can be a tremendous help.  In order to create my vision board, I must actively seek images that represent specific details of this wonderful new life.  That means narrowing it down to specifics.  For some, a better life might mean having a new car or home.  Others may be seeking a new relationship or improvements in existing relationships.  Making a vision board is a wonderful way to bring clarity to that general desire and turn it into an achievable goal.

    Use a Vision Board for Your Daily Affirmations

    Once you dream it, the next step is to believe it.  In addition to images, vision boards can include words, phrases or sentences that affirm your intentions.  Somehow, we must silence the mindchatter that plagues us all every minute of every waking hour.  You know that little voice in your head that never shuts up, the one that supports and promotes all your limiting beliefs by repeating an endless litany of every shortcoming you could possibly have (and some you couldn’t possibly have) and every reason why you can’t or shouldn’t or won’t ever be, do or have what you really want.  Affirmations are that little voice’s worst enemy.  Positive affirmations express who you really are, release you from those limiting beliefs, and allow you to know that the possibilities truly are unlimited.

    A Vision Board Keeps you Focused

    Finally, another key purpose that vision boards serve is to help you stay focused.  It isn’t difficult to start each day with a positive attitude – until you get out of bed.  How quickly that fresh “new me” attitude can sink back into oblivion beneath the tasks and challenges of everyday life.  How can you possibly remain focused on any goal while people and circumstances constantly pull you in dozens of directions at once?  By using a vision board, of course!  No matter what happens during your day, your vision board is a constant reminder of where you intend to be.  Appealing to you on both conscious and subconscious levels, a vision board can work wonders toward keeping your mind focused on your goal, your attention on your intentions, and your life headed in the direction you choose.

    Gather those magazines piled up around your house and cut out your dreams.  It's really that easy and fun.  You can always download a vision board app to your smart phone if you are in a pinch.  These are YOUR dreams and goals.  Enjoy it.

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013

    The Possibilites of a Positive Attitude

    A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life.  It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking.  If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful.

    With a positive attitude, you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen.  It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.

    Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:
    • Positive thinking
    • Constructive thinking
    • Creative thinking
    • Optimism
    • Motivation to accomplish your goals
    • Choosing happiness
    It also expresses itself as:
    • Expectation of success
    • Being inspired
    • Not giving up
    • Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise (a lesson to learn)
    • Believing in yourself and in your abilities
    • Displaying self-esteem and confidence
    • Looking for solutions
    • Seeing opportunities

    A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life.  If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light.  This light affects not only you, and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you.  If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.

    The benefits of a positive attitude:

    • It helps you to achieve goals and attain success
    • More happiness
    • More energy
    • Greater inner power and strength
    • The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others
    • Fewer difficulties encountered along the way
    • The ability to overcome difficulty more easily
    • Life smiles at you
    • More respect from other people

    Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success.
    Positive attitude says: You can achieve success.

    If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think.  It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life.  Why not start today?  If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried enough.

    Simple tips for developing a positive attitude:

    1. Choose to be happy. Yes, it is a matter of choice.
    2. Look at the bright side of life.
    3. Choose to be and stay optimistic
    4. Find reasons to smile more often.
    5. Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
    6. Associate yourself with happy people.
    7. Read inspiring stories.
    8. Read inspiring quotes.
    9. Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
    10. Visualize only what you want to happen.
    11. Learn to master your thoughts.
    12. Learn concentration and meditation.
    13. Practice Gratitude EVERY DAY!
    Following even only one of the above suggestions, will bring more light into your life!

    Wishing you all peace and serenity in you day. ~Namaste